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Vinn Sander

March 16, 2021
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"Pero ¿qué ocurriría si fuese al revés? ¿Y si ellos fueran los amos y nos trataran como los tratábamos nosotros? ". Jean Loriot-Boulle, yerno del escritor Pierre Boulle, autor de 'La planète des singes' (1963). J. L. -B. Aquella mañana, Boulle regresó a casa con la idea genial que buscaba. Pero no se la contó a nadie. "Era un hombre muy silencioso, apenas hablaba y no soportaba que le preguntaran por sus novelas. ¡Decía no, no, no, y se marchaba a otra habitación! ", ríe Loriot-Boulle. Solo a una persona le permitía inmiscuirse en su trabajo: su sobrina Caroline. "Era una superdotada, hizo el examen de bachillerato a los 14 años". Boulle confiaba en la extraordinaria inteligencia de su sobrina para cazar cualquier gazapo que minara la coherencia de sus historias. Gracias a esta contribución y al pequeño secreto de la técnica narrativa de Boulle –comenzaba a escribir las historias por el final e iba retrocediendo–, sus novelas pasan por ser perfectos rompecabezas sin fisuras. "No hay un solo error de lógica en sus libros", presume Loriot-Boulle.

It's an orgy of movies and improbable schedules, and there comes a point when you have no patience for a certain sort of film — so hopefully, your film is not that sort. Having gotten all sorts of reactions to your movies over the course of your career, how did it feel to get that sustained, prize-winning praise at Cannes? How do you think? It feels great! It's very rewarding. You're not looking for the journalists' disapproval, obviously — you're looking for their affection and validation. I don't personally do movies for myself and a faction of very cerebral cinephiles — I do it for everybody, and wish for the largest amount of people to relish whatever they find they can relish in. When you're writing a new film, then, do you have an ideal viewer in mind? Or would that be too specific? There's a variety of people, and they don't even know they're part of that group. There's a friend, there's someone from my family that I always think of, there's a critic who's a great, great friend of mine, and it's a conflict of interest but we've worked around it … I'd say there's like five or six people, and I wouldn't want to disappoint these people.

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